Create a Customer

This API creates a customer.

Customer Data Fields

This section provides detailed information about the fields that can be used to capture customer data in the API. Each field is outlined with its type, description, requirements, format, and examples.


1. Name

  • Type: string
  • Description: The full name of the customer.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Alphabetic and Whitespace
  • Min Length: 3 characters
  • Max Length: 50 characters
  • Example: John Smith

2. Email

  • Type: string
  • Description: The email address of the customer. This is displayed next to the customer in the dashboard and can be used for searching and tracking.
  • Required: Yes
  • Format: Alphanumeric and Special Characters
  • Max Length: 40 characters
  • Example: [email protected]

3. Description

  • Type: string
  • Description: An arbitrary string that you can attach to a customer. It is displayed next to the customer in the dashboard.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Alphanumeric and Special Characters
  • Min Length: 5 characters
  • Max Length: 50 characters
  • Example: A1 Company

4. Send Email Address

  • Type: string
  • Description: The email address where invoices will be sent.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Alphanumeric and Special Characters
  • Min Length: 5 characters
  • Max Length: 40 characters
  • Example: [email protected]

5. CC Email Address

  • Type: string
  • Description: An additional email address where copies of invoices will be sent.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Alphanumeric and Special Characters
  • Min Length: 5 characters
  • Max Length: 40 characters
  • Example: [email protected]

6. Country

  • Type: string
  • Description: The name of the customer's country.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Alphabetic
  • Min Length: 2 characters
  • Max Length: 50 characters
  • Example: US

7. Address Line 1

  • Type: string
  • Description: The first line of the customer's address.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Alphanumeric
  • Min Length: 5 characters
  • Max Length: 50 characters
  • Example: 103 Mason Street

8. Address Line 2

  • Type: string
  • Description: The second line of the customer's address.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Alphanumeric
  • Min Length: 5 characters
  • Max Length: 50 characters
  • Example: 2nd Floor

9. City

  • Type: string
  • Description: The customer's city name. This can represent a City, District, Suburb, Town, or Village.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Alphabetic and Whitespace
  • Min Length: 2 characters
  • Max Length: 50 characters
  • Example: New York

10. State

  • Type: string
  • Description: The state name where the customer resides. This can include State, County, Province, or Region.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Alphabetic and Whitespace
  • Min Length: 2 characters
  • Max Length: 50 characters
  • Example: NY

11. ZIP Code

  • Type: integer
  • Description: The customer's ZIP code.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Numeric and Hyphen
  • Max Length: 10 characters
  • Example: 10469 or 10469-2345
  • Note: To group numbers, use a hyphen symbol. No other symbols or characters are allowed.

12. Phone Number

  • Type: integer
  • Description: The customer's phone number.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Numeric
  • Min Length: 2 characters
  • Max Length: 11 characters
  • Example: 5417543010
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