Export Deposits

This request is used to export transaction deposit summaries for the specified date range

Response Fields

  • data: The main object containing all deposit transaction data.

    • rows_data: Contains the daily transaction summaries, grouped by date.

      • : The date when the transactions were processed (e.g., "2024-09-13").

        • row_data: An array of individual transactions for that specific date.

          Each transaction can have different types of information:

          • processing_date: The date the transaction was processed (YYYY-MM-DD).
          • transaction_volume: The total transaction volume for the batch.
          • amount: The total amount for the batch of transactions.
          • release_amount: Amount released for settlement (can be null).
          • transaction_count: The number of individual transactions in the batch.
          • batch_reference_number: A unique identifier for the batch.
          • batch_flag: Indicates batch status (1 = confirmed, 0 = pending).
          • transType: Type of transaction, such as:
            • DEPOSIT: Represents a deposit transaction.
            • RELEASED FUNDS: Represents amounts that are pending or released.
            • FEES: Represents fees deducted from the total.
          • description: A short description of the transaction, such as:
            • "Net Processing" for deposits.
            • "Pending settlement" for released funds.
            • "Fees(Total)" for fees.
          • record_type: Type of record (e.g., D for deposit).
          • effective_date: The date the transaction becomes effective.
          • line_item: Detailed description of the transaction, based on type.
          • deposit_amount: The total deposit amount for that batch.
        • row_totals: Summary of the daily transactions.

          • Amounts: The total amount for all transactions on that date.
          • Transactions: The total number of transactions on that date.
          • Settlement_Date: The settlement date for the transactions.
    • grand_total: Contains the overall totals for the entire date range.

      • total_amount: The sum of all transaction amounts.
      • total_transaction: The total number of transactions in the response.
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