Refund a Charge

This API refunds a previously created charge.

Click to view details about the `amount`, `reason`, `description`, and notification parameters

1. Amount (amount)

  • Type: integer
  • Description: A positive integer in cents representing how much to charge.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Numeric (in cents)
  • Min Length: 1 digit
  • Max Length: 8 digits
  • Example:
    • 9 would be $0.09
    • 99999999 would be $999,999.99
  • Note: The minimum amount is $0.50 USD when testing in the test environment.

2. Reason (reason)

  • Type: string
  • Description: Reason for refunding a transaction.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Alphabetic
  • Allowed Values:
    • requested_by_customer
    • fraudulent
    • duplicate
    • other

3. Description (description)

  • Type: string
  • Description: Description for refunding a transaction.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Alphanumeric and Special Characters
  • Min Length: 5 characters
  • Max Length: 190 characters
  • Example: Description for refund.

4. Do Not Send Email to Customer (do_not_send_email_to_customer)

  • Type: string
  • Description: To prevent sending an email to the customer for a transaction. By default, the system will send an email.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Yes/No

5. Do Not Send SMS to Customer (do_not_send_sms_to_customer)

  • Type: string
  • Description: To prevent sending an SMS to the customer. In order to prevent sending an SMS, the value must be yes. If not present, an SMS will be sent.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Yes/No
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!