Update a Card

This API updates debit card or credit card details of a customer.

Cardholder Information Fields

This section details the fields that are used to capture the cardholder's information when processing a transaction. Each field is optional but can be crucial for verifying and processing payments correctly.


1. Expiration Month (exp_month)

  • Type: integer
  • Description: The month value displayed on the card used for the transaction.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Numeric
  • Min Value: 1
  • Max Value: 12
  • Example: 01 represents the month of January.

2. Expiration Year (exp_year)

  • Type: integer
  • Description: The YYYY value mentioned on the card used for the transaction.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Numeric
  • Min Length: 2 digits
  • Max Length: 4 digits
  • Example: 2025

3. Cardholder Name (name)

  • Type: string
  • Description: The name of the cardholder as mentioned on the card used to carry out a transaction.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Alphabetic and Whitespace
  • Min Length: 2 characters
  • Max Length: 30 characters
  • Example: John Smith

4. Address Line 1 (address_line1)

  • Type: string
  • Description: The cardholder's billing address for line 1.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Alphanumeric
  • Min Length: 1 character
  • Max Length: 200 characters
  • Example: 103 Mason Street
  • Note: Payfac Max Length: 30 characters

5. Address Line 2 (address_line2)

  • Type: string
  • Description: The cardholder's billing address for line 2.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Alphanumeric
  • Min Length: 1 character
  • Max Length: 200 characters
  • Example: 2nd Floor
  • Note: Payfac Max Length: 30 characters

6. City (city)

  • Type: string
  • Description: The cardholder's city name. This can be a City, District, Suburb, Town, or Village.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Alphabetic and Whitespace
  • Min Length: 2 characters
  • Max Length: 50 characters
  • Example: New York

7. State Code (state_code)

  • Type: string
  • Description: The cardholder's state name. Can be State/County/Province/Region.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Alphabetic and Whitespace
  • Min Length: 2 characters
  • Max Length: 2 characters
  • Example: NY

8. ZIP Code (zip)

  • Type: integer
  • Description: The cardholder's billing ZIP code.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Numeric and Hyphen
  • Max Length: 10 characters
  • Example: 10469 or 10469-2345
  • Note: To group numbers, use a hyphen symbol. No other symbols or characters are allowed.

9. Country Code (country_code)

  • Type: string
  • Description: The cardholder's country name.
  • Required: Optional
  • Format: Alphabetic
  • Min Length: 2 characters
  • Max Length: 50 characters
  • Example: US

Partial Card Update Behavior


When updating a card's details, it is not necessary to re-enter all the card information. You can selectively update specific fields, such as the expiration date or billing address, without needing to provide the full card details again.

Behavior Explanation

  • Selective Updates:
    • If you need to update only a few fields, such as the expiration date (exp_month and exp_year) or the billing address (address_line1, city, state_code, zip, etc.), you can do so without re-entering the full card number or other existing details.
  • Preserving Existing Data:
    • The fields that are not provided in the update request will remain unchanged, preserving the existing card details.
  • Example Scenario:
    • Current Card Details:
      • Card Number: **** **** **** 1234
      • Expiration Date: 03/2023
      • Billing Address: 103 Mason Street, New York, NY 10469
    • Update Request:
      • Only update the expiration date to 03/2025.
    • Result:
      • The card number and billing address remain the same, while only the expiration date is updated to 03/2025.

Important Considerations

  • Security:
    • Sensitive card details such as the card number and CVV are not required for simple updates like changing the expiration date or address, reducing the risk of exposure to sensitive data.
  • API Requests:
    • Ensure that only the fields needing updates are included in the API request. This minimizes the data being sent and processed, improving security and efficiency.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!