This Api is used to 'patch' or update existing applications. Variable appID must be replaced by the identifier received when API for 'Add Lead' was invoked. Replace variable {tokenn} with value provided by Payarc.
As payload the API might receive a json object with following mandatory attributes (except 'step'):
* "bank_account_type" - this is the type of the bank account. Example "01" is for Check,
* "BankAccountOwnershipName" - is the name of the owner. it must be a string for example "System-5516",
* "BankInstitutionName" - this is the name of the bank. String like "Bank of revs",
* "MerchantBankAccountNo" - this is merchant bank account number it is consist of digits. like "87396827123",
* "MerchantBankRoutingNo" this is the routing number specific for the financial institution it is a string consist of digits. For example, "1848505",
* "MerchantLegalName" -this is the legal name of the business string like "Ashkolsun-98",
* "MerchantTaxId" the tax number of the merchnat"198765486",
"SalesProductServices" description of the service provided. Free text for example "Best Pizzas ever",
* "skipGIACT" - indication to skip or not the check for service. Possible values true/false. Default value false,
* "slugId" dedicated identifier of the section where this information is set. must be "financial_information", together with "step":"17"