Create a Charge - Google Pay

Create a new Charge

This end point creates a new charge. Information for credit cards is coming from google. For more information about the process see section for Google Pay integration. Scenario when merchant is hosting Google button by himself.  Payarc API is expecting base 64 encoded string. For example, if paymentData is the object provided by google, payarc is expecting result of :

encrypted_data: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(paymentData.paymentMethodData.tokenizationData.token), 'utf-8') .toString('base64') 

Following are the error codes associated with 'new charge' creation:

StatusError message
Activity Limit ExceededActivity Limit exceeded
Bad Request - Try AgainSystemError
Bad Request - Try AgainSystem Error (Tran)
DeclinedGeneral Card Auth Decline
DeclinedDo not honor
DeclinedSuspected Card
Duplicate transactionDuplicate transaction
Expired CardExpired Card
Host Validation Error: Contact PAYARCHost Validation Error
Insufficient FundsWithdrawal Limit exceeded
Invalid AmountInvalid Amount
Invalid From Account: Contact PAYARCInvalid From Account
Invalid Service: Contact PAYARCInvalid Service
Possible Duplicate RequestPossible Duplicate Request
Re-enter transactionRe-enter transaction
Transaction Amount InvalidThe value '57679.99999999999' of element 'transactionAmount' is not valid
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!