Parameter | Description |
MerchantSSN Required for Payfac | Merchant Social Security Number Format: Numeric, Length: 9 Example:456456789 |
SalesAnnualMastercard Required for Payfac | Total Number of current/estimated Annual Sales for Master Card Format: Numeric Example:10000 |
SalesDeliveryOffer Required for Payfac | Does the merchant offer delivery? Format: String, Allowable Values: Yes , No Example: Yes |
SalesDeliveryDays Required for Payfac | Average Number of days for delivery Whole number |
SalesDeliveryDays0Pct Required for Payfac | % of deliveries that are received in 0 days Format: Numeric, Value: 0-100 Example: 90 |
SalesDeliveryDays1Pct Required for Payfac | % of deliveries that are received in 1 days Format: Numeric, Value: 0-100 Example: 10 |
SalesDeliveryDays8Pct Required for Payfac | % of deliveries that are received in 8 days Format: Numeric, Value: 0-100 Example: 0 |
SalesDeliveryDays15Pct Required for Payfac | % of deliveries that are received in 15 days Format: Numeric, Value: 0-100 Example: 0 |
SalesDeliveryDays30Pct Required for Payfac | % of deliveries that are received in 30 days Format: Numeric, Value: 0-100 Example: 0 |
SalesKeyedInternetPct Required for Payfac | % of Card Not Present sales that are keyed/internet Format: Numeric, Value: 0-100 Example: 60 |
SalesKeyedMailPct Required for Payfac | % of Card Not Present sales that are mail Format: Numeric, Value: 0-100 Example: 33 |
SalesKeyedPhonePct Required for Payfac | % of Card Not Present sales that are phone Format: Numeric, Value: 0-100 Example: 7 |
SalesTradeshowPct Required for Payfac | % of sales from trade shows Format: Numeric, Value: 0-100 Example: 0 |
SalesTotalAnnual Required for Payfac | Total sales, including card and cash annually Format: Numeric Example: 500000.00 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
SalesB2BPct Required for Payfac | % of total sales B2B (Business to Business) Format: Numeric, Value: 0-100 Example: 33 |
SalesB2CPct Required for Payfac | % of total sales B2C (Business to Consumer) Format: Numeric, Value: 0-100 Example: 67 |
SalesCardB2BPct Required for Payfac | % of card sales B2B (Business to Business) Format: Numeric, Value: 0-100 Example: 34 |
SalesCardB2CPct Required for Payfac | % of card sales B2C (Business to Consumer) Format: Numeric, Value: 0-100 Example: 66 |
SalesProductServices Required for Payfac | Description of services sold by the merchant Format: String, Length 5 - 500 Example: Bakery |
MerchantBankName Required for Payfac | Name of the bank the merchant will use Format: String, Length 50 |
MerchantAccountAddress Required for Payfac | Address on file for the bank account the merchant is using. It should include Address Line 1 and Line 2 Format: String, Length 1-32 Example: 559 Timber Ridge Road |
MerchantAccountCity Required for Payfac | Address on file for the bank account the merchant is using Format: String, Length 1-13 Example: Sacramento |
MerchantAccountState Required for Payfac | Address on file for the bank account the merchant is using Format: String, Length 2 Example: CA |
MerchantZipCode Required for Payfac | Address on file for the bank account the merchant is using Format: String, Length 5-9 Example: 95814 |
ProcessingType Optional | To determine TSYS or Fiserv processor. If not passed, it will default to TSYS. In order to create a Fiserv lead, you can pass Payfac or fiserv |
Industry Required | Industry the merchant that is applying is related to Values: Business_ops_consulting , Consumer_lending , Credit_repair , Digital_goods , Discount_membership , Document_prep_services , Gadget , General_retail_service_restaurant , Idtheft_addresschange_visapassportservice , Marketplace_nontravel , Money_transfer_msb , Nutra , Online_dating , Online_gaming , Other_high_risk , Personal_credit_protections , Smoke_shop_cbd , warranties Example: Consumer_lending |
MerchantName Required | DoingBusinessAs name of the merchant that the application is going to Format: String, Length 1-25 Example: John's Toy Store |
LegalName Required | Legal name of the merchant that the application is going to (DBA Name and Legal name can be the same) Format: String, Length 1-32 Example: Greenwich Toys LLC |
OfficeAddress Required | Physical address for the merchant. This should include Adress Line 1 and Line 2 Format: String, Length 1-32 Example: 237 West St |
OfficeCity Required | Physical address city. Format: String, Length 1-13 Example: Stone Mountain |
Country Required for Payfac | Physical address country. Required for Payfac, optional for ISO where it defaults to US. Format: String, 2-Character Alpha Country Code Example:US |
OfficeState Required | Physical address state. Format: String, Length 2 Example:CA |
OfficeZipCode Required | Physical address zipcode. Format: String, Length 5-9 Example:06830 |
RegisteredAddress Required | Legal address for the merchant. This should include Adress Line 1 and Line 2 Format: String, Length 1-32 Example: 237 West St |
RegisteredCity Required | Legal address city. Format: String, Length 1-13 Example:Stone Mountain |
RegisteredState Required | Legal address state. Format: String, Length 2 Example:CA |
RegisteredZipCode Required | Legal address zipcode. Format: String, Length 5-9 Example:95814 |
ContactFirstName Required | First name of the merchant contact that will receive the application. Format: String, Length 1-50 Example:John |
ContactLastName Required | Last name of the merchant contact that will receive the application. Format: String, Length 1-50 Example:Smith |
ContactPhoneNo Required | Phone number of the merchant contact that will receive the application. Format: String, Length 10-10 Example:5557895623 |
ContactEmail Required | Email of the merchant contact that will receive the application. Format: String, Length 5 - 75 Example:someone@example.com |
TaxID Required | TAX ID for the merchant that is apply for payment processing. Format: Numeric, 9 digits Example:456987896 |
MerchantOtherTaxId Required for Payfac | If other TAX ID is selected this is where they input that information (Identification Number type) Format: Numeric, 9 digits Example:456987896 |
DateIncorporated Required | Date in which the merchant that is apply was incorporated. Format: Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Example:2023-02-03 |
StateofIncorporation Required | 2-character code state the merchant that is apply was incorporated in Format: String, Length 2 Example:CA |
SicMccCode Optional | MCC Code related to the merchant. Format: Numeric 4, Max: 4 Example:8099 |
OwnershipType Required | Ownership type of the merchant that is applying for payment processing. Values: Government , LLC , Non Profit , Partnership , Private Corp , Public Corp , Sole Prop Example: LLC |
IrsFilingType Required for Payfac | This is the IRS filing type (tax exempt, etc.) the merchant is set up as.A : Foreign Entity Verification PendingB : Foreign Entity Identified before 1/1/11C : Non Profit VerifiedD : Non Profit Verification PendingF : Foreign Entity VerifiedG : Government EntityJ : Financial InstitutionN : Not ExcludedFormat: String, Length 1 Example: C |
IdentificationNumberType Required for Payfac | Type of identification number For Sole Proprietor, you can only use SSN. 1 : SSN2 : EIN3 : Other Tax IDFormat: Numeric, Length 1 |
FoundationDate Required for Payfac | Date the merchant company was founded Format: Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
Website Optional | Merchant’s website. Format: String, Length 0 - 60 Example:merchantname.com |
CustomerSupportNumber Required | Phone number of the merchant’s customer support. Format: String, Length 10 - 15 Example:5557895623 |
BusinessSummary Required | High-level business summary of what the merchant does Format: String, Length 5 - 500 Example: |
DiscountRateProgram Required | Pricing model that will be selected and applied to this merchant. Values: Interchange , Tiered , bundleRate Example: bundleRate |
AccountUpdater Optional | Account updater transaction fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 100 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
MonthlyFee Required | Monthly fee charged to the merchant. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 5000 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
MinMonthlyFee Optional | Monthly minimum fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 5000 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
PosFee Optional | POS fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 5000 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
PciFee Optional | POS fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 500 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
TerminalFee Optional | Terminal fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 5000 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
OnlineReportingFee Optional | Online Reporting fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 5000 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
GatewayFee Optional | Gateway fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 500 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
StatementFee Optional | Statement fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 500 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
RiskAnalysisFee Optional | Risk Analysis fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 500 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
WebMonitoringFee Optional | Web Monitoring fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 500 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
BankSponsorFee Optional | Bank Sponsor fee. This is a percentage fee (% amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 20 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
AmexSponsorFee Required | Amex Sponsor fee. This is a percentage fee (% amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 20 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
BatchFee Optional | Batch fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 100 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
ChargebackFee Optional | Chargeback fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 200 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
ChargebackReversalFee Optional | Chargeback Reversal fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 200 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
RetrievalFee Optional | Retrieval fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 200 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
ArbitrationFee Optional | Abritration fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 200 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
VoiceAuthFee Optional | Voice Authorization fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 100 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
DebitCardAuthsFee Optional | Debit Card Authorization fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 100 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
EbtAuthsFee Optional | EBT Authorization fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 100 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
AccountUpdateOtherFee Optional | Account Updater Monthly fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 5000 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
GatewayTranactionsFee Optional | Gateway Transactions fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 100 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
PerAchRejectFee Optional | Per ACH Reject Fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 100 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
DiscoverMAPAuthsFee Required | Discover Auth Fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 100 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
AmexEsaAuthFee Required | Amex Auth Fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 100 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
DeclinesFee Optional | Decline Fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 100 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
RefundsFee Optional | Per Refund Fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 100 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
AvsFee Optional | AVS Fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 100 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
EthocaVerifiAlertsFee Optional | Ethoca/Verifi Alerts Fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 500 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
RapidDisputeResolutionFee Optional | Rapid Disputes Resolution (RDR) Fee. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Format: Numeric 0 - 100 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
CurrentyAcceptCreditCards Required | To determine if the merchant applying currently accepts cards or not. Values: Yes or No Example:Yes |
CardPresentPct Required | Percentage of card transactions that are Card Present.g. Note CardPresentPct and MotoPct fields must equal 100. Format: Numeric (must be whole number), 0 - 100 Example:22 |
MotoPct Required | Percentage of card not present transactions/moto internet transactions.g. Note CardPresentPct and MotoPct fields must equal 100. Format: Numeric (must be whole number), 0 - 100 Example:22 |
BankAccountNo Required | Bank account number of the merchant that is apply. Format: Numeric Length 1-16 Example:5145541511 |
BankRoutingNo Required | Bank account routing number of the merchant that is apply. Format: Numeric, Length: 9 Example:211123265 |
TotalMonthlyProcessing Required | Estimated dollar amount for the expected Monthly processing for the merchant. Format: Numeric 1.00 - 100000000.00 Example:50000.00 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
AvgTicketValue Required | Estimated dollar amount for the expected Average ticket the merchant expects to have. Format: Numeric 1.00 - 200000.00 Example:27.00 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
HighTicketValue Required | Estimated dollar amount for the expected High ticket the merchant expects to have. Format: Numeric 1.00 - 200000.00 Example:100.00 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
DesiredDescriptor Optional | Text that will appear on a customer’s statement. This is called the Descriptor. If this is not input, it will use Payarc’s Default. Format: String, Length 0 - 50 Example:Merchant 1 Name |
EbtFnsNumber Optional | EBT FNS Number is the number assigned by the government to accept food stamps. If the merchant is accepting food stamps this needs to be provided. Format: String, Length 0 - 50 Example: |
ProcessingTerminated Required | Has processing ever been terminated for this merchant with another payment processor before? Values: Yes or No Example: Yes |
AmexProcessingPerYear Optional | Amex Processing per year fee. Format: Numeric 1-10000000 Example:200 |
OtherFee Optional | If an “Other” fee that is not listed in fees already is needed, you can use this field. This will be the fee amount. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Note: If OtherFeeName is provided – otherfee must also be provided Format: Numeric 0-5000 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents) |
OtherFeeName Optional | If an “Other” fee that is not listed in fees already is needed, you can use this field. This will be the name of the new fee. Note: If OtherFee is provided – otherfeename must also be provided Format: String, Length 0 - 50 Example:Other Fee Name 1 |
CommentsOther Optional | This is a space for any additional comments related to the fees or the other fee that has been created. Format: String, Length 0 - 350 Example:Please use fee XYZ for ABC. |
MonthlyOtherFee Optional | If an “Other” fee that is not listed in monthly fees already is needed, you can use this field. This will be the fee amount. This is a flat fee ($ amount) Note: If MonthlyOtherFeeName is provided – Monthlyotherfee must also be provided Format: Numeric 0 - 5000 Example:3.05 (decimals should be added to show cents |
MonthlyOtherFeeName Optional | If an “Other” fee that is not listed in monthly fees already is needed, you can use this field. This will be the name of the new fee. Note: If MonthlyOtherFee is provided – Monthlyotherfeename must also be provided Format: String, Length 0 - 50 Example:Other Fee Name 1 |
AmexEsaNumber Optional | If a Merchant already has an ESA number with AMEX, this can be provided. If it is not, one will be created automatically by Payarc if applicable. Format: String, Length 0 - 50 |
Updated 8 months ago