Pay By ACH - One Time

This guide walks through creating and capturing a one-time payment by ACH where we don't have a customer record.

Create an ACH Charge


Let's assume our customer is John Hancock, the owner of a Personal Checking account with the routing number 129131673 and account number 0114584906. We will create a one-time ACH debit for $12.01, which will be represented by the amount 1201.

Account Number for the account.
Format: Numeric, Length 3-17.
Example: 0114584906
Nine-digit routing number for the account.
Format: Numeric, Length:9
Example: 129131673
Account holder's first name
Format: AlphaNumeric, Length 2-50
Example: John
Account holder's first name
Format: AlphaNumeric, Length 2-50
Example: Hancock
The type of account
Format: One of the following: Personal Checking, Personal Savings, Business Checking, Business Savings
Example:Personal Checking
A Standard Entry Class Code (SEC Code) is a way to classify an ACH payment.
The value must be one of: ARC, BOC, CCD, POP, PPD, RCK, TEL, WEB.
Type of flow. Must be one of the following: debit, credit
Format: String
Example: debit
A positive integer in cents representing how much to charge. The minimum value for our test environment is 50, the equivalent of $0.50 USD
Format: Numeric, in cents
Example: 9 for $0.09
1201 for $12.01
Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase.
Allowable Value: usd
The customer's email address
Format: String, Length 5-75
Example:[email protected]
The customer's phone number
Format: Numeric 2-11 digits
The customer's address line 1.
Format: Alphanumeric, Length: 5-50
Example: 103 Mason Street
The customer's ZIP code, or ZIP+4 code
Numeric and hyphen, Max length 10
Example:10469, 10469-2345
Customer ID created via the Create a Customer API.
Format: Alphanumeric
Example: DjPnVDNApDDnVpMN


In order to create an ACH transfer, you will need to provide the SEC Code.

Payarc supports the following: ARC, BOC, CCD, POP, PPD, RCK, TEL, WEB.

SEC CodeDescriptionDetails
ARCAccounts Receivable EntriesA single ACH debit used by originator for the conversion of an eligible source document received via the U.S. mail or delivery service; at a lockbox location; or in person at a manned location for the payment of a bill.
BOCBack Office ConversionA single ACH debit initiated by an originator based on an eligible source document provided at the point-of-purchase or at a manned bill payment location for subsequent conversion during back office conversion.
CCDCorporate Credit or DebitA single or a recurring ACH credit or debit originated to a corporate account. They are commonly used by Originators to pay vendors, concentrate funds from outlying accounts (cash concentration), to fund payroll, petty cash, or other disbursement accounts.
POPPoint of PurchaseA single ACH debit initiated by an originator based on an eligible source document provided at a point-of-purchase or manned bill payment location.
PPDPre-arranged Payment or DepositA single or a recurring ACH credit or debit sent by an originator to a consumer account to make or collect a payment, where authorization is obtained in writing.
RCKRe-presented Check EntriesOriginators can re-present a check that has been processed through the check collection system as a paper or image item, and returned because of insufficient or uncollected funds
TELTelephone Initiated EntriesA single or a recurring ACH debit that occurs when the consumer’s authorization for a transfer of funds is received orally via the telephone.
WEBInternet-Initiated/Mobile EntriesCredit WEB Entries: A Person-to-Person entry transmitted on behalf of one natural person to another natural person, or between accounts belonging to the same natural person.
Debit WEB Entries: ACH entry initiated according to an authorization obtained via the internet or a wireless network (e.g. mobile device) except for an oral authorization via a telephone call.

The full list of SEC codes is maintained by NACHA, the government entity that runs the ACH system. For further details, please refer to:

var request = require('request');
var options = {
  'method': 'POST',
  'url': '',
  'headers': {
    'Accept': 'application/json',
    'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    'Authorization': 'Bearer {{Access-Token-From-Payarc-Dashboard}}'
  body: '{"account_number":"0114584906","routing_number":"129131673","first_name":"John","last_name":"Hancock","account_type":"Personal Checking","receipt_email":"[email protected]","receipt_phone":"6546456984","address_line1":"103 Mason Street","zip":"10469","currency":"usd","amount":"1201","type":"debit","sec_code":"WEB"}'

request(options, function (error, response) {
  if (error) throw new Error(error);
var client = new HttpClient();
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "");
request.Headers.Add("Accept", "application/json");
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer {{Access-Token-From-Payarc-Dashboard}}");
var content = new StringContent("{\"account_number\":\"0114584906\",\"routing_number\":\"129131673\",\"first_name\":\"John\",\"last_name\":\"Hancock\",\"account_type\":\"Personal Checking\",\"receipt_email\":[email protected],\"receipt_phone\":6546456984,\"address_line1\":103 Mason Street,\"zip\":10469,\"currency\":\"usd\",\"amount\":\"1201\",\"type\":\"debit\",\"sec_code\":\"WEB\"}", null, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
request.Content = content;
var response = await client.SendAsync(request);
Console.WriteLine(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());

We will receive a ACHCharge, in our case its ID is g9dDE7GDaA527eAa

  "data": {
    "object": "ACHCharge",
    "id": "g9dDE7GDaA527eAa",
    "amount": "1201",
    "created_by": "[email protected]",
    "status": "validated",
    "type": "debit",
    "authorization_id": 123,
    "validation_code": "parola",
    "successful": true,
    "response_message": "Api call is proxied, check your env for locall",
    "created_at": "2023-11-22T15:43:55.000000Z",
    "updated_at": "2023-11-22T15:44:30.000000Z",
    "retried_achcharge_id": null,
    "bank_account": {
      "data": {
  		  "object": "BankAccount",
    		"id": "D634EdsD6KLd5ea",
    		"first_name": "John",
    		"last_name": "Hancock",
    		"account_type": "Personal Checking",
    		"sec_code": "WEB",
    		"routing_number": "129131673",
    		"account_number": "****4906"
  "meta": {
    "include": [],
    "custom": []

Congratulations on creating a one-time ACH Charge!