Note The questionnaire required fields are ONLY required if Transaction Type of Moto/Internet is 30% or less
Parameter | Description |
WebsitePayments Required | If you accept website payments Format: array, Allowed Values: Yes , No , N/A Example: Yes |
SSLProvider Required | Merchant’s SSL provider (certificate for their website) Format: String, Length Min: 0, Max: 50 |
ProdSoldNorthAmericaPct Required | Percentage of products that are sold in North America Format: Numeric (whole number – will be the percentage), Values: 0 - 100 Example:93 |
ProdSoldEuropePct Required | Percentage of products that are sold in Europe are currently Format: Numeric (whole number – will be the percentage), Values: 0 - 100 Example:7 |
ProdSoldOtherMarketsPct Required | Percentage of products that are sold in Other Markets are currently Format: Numeric (whole number – will be the percentage), Values: 0 - 100 Example:0 |
SellBusinessPct Required | Percentage of products that are sold to other Businesses. Format: Numeric (whole number – will be the percentage), Values: 0 - 100 Example:0 |
SellConsumerPct Required | Percentage of products that are sold directly to customers. Format: Numeric (whole number – will be the percentage), Values: 0 - 100 Example:100 |
ReturnPolicy Required | Merchants return policy currently in place Format: String, Allowable Values: Greater_than_30_days , Less_than_30_days , No_returns , Other Example:No_returns |
NoRefundsInfo Required | Description as to why no refunds are allowed by the merchant Format: String, Length 0-100 Example:This is a service |
ReturnPolicyOther Required | More details of what the return policy is, if Other was selected in the ReturnPolicy field Format: String, Length 0-100 Example:Details about the policy... |
WhenIsCustomerCharged Required | This determines when the merchant currently charges their customer. Format: String, Allowable Values: Order , Shipment Note: shipment is equivalent to Shipment or Completion of ServiceExample: Order |
IsShipmentTraceable Required | This determines if tracking is provided to the customer by the merchant Format: String, Allowable Values: Yes , No Example: No |
IsDeliveryReceiptRequested Required | This determines if the merchant requires a delivery receipt for all deliveries currently. Format: String, Allowable Values: Yes , No Example: No |
OrderTurnaroundTime Required | Average order turn around time currently for the merchant to receive the order/goods/services. This is represented in days. Format: Numeric (whole number), Value: 0-365 Example:12 |
AdvancedDeposits Required | This determines if the merchant currently takes advance deposits Format: String, Allowable Values: Yes , No Example: Yes |
DepositPct Conditionally Required | Deposit % that is taken if Yes is selected for taking advanced deposits. Only required if Advanced deposits is Yes .Format: Numeric (whole number – will be the percentage), Values: 0 - 100 Example:0 |
IsProcessingSeasonal Required | This determines if the merchant is processing seasonally. Format: String, Allowable Values: Yes , No Example: Yes |
ProcessingSeasonalMonths Conditionally Required | This determines if the merchant is processing seasonally. If processing seasonally, pass the months that the merchant is processing. Format: String, Allowable Values: Jan , Feb , Mar , Apr , May , Jun , Jul , Aug , Sep , Oct , Nov , Dec Example: Mar |
MembershipPayments Required | This field determines if the merchant is taking payments for memberships, subscriptions or packages. Format: String, Allowable Values: Yes , No Example: No |
MembershipPaymentsPct Required | Percentage of transactions that are for a membership, subscription or packages Format: Numeric (%) Min: 0, Max: 100 Example:10 |
PackageUsageTime Required | Average amount of time it takes for a customer to use up their package Format: Numeric Min: 0, Max: 365 Example:Note: This should only be passed if MembershipPayments field passes Yes |
WhoManagesRecurringPayments Required | This determines who will be managing the recurring payments for a merchant if subscriptions are sold Format: String, Allowable Values: Payarc , Other Example:Other |
RecurringPaymentsProvider Conditionally Required | The details of the other provider that will be managing recurring payments if Other is selected in WhoManagesRecurringPayments fieldFormat: String, Length 0-100 Example:handle ourselves |
CaptureCVV Required | This determines if the merchant wants to capture the Card Validation Value CVV on the back of the card for any transactions. If this is selected, we will set up permissions and all transactions where CVV does not pass will be declined. Format: String, Allowable Values: Yes , No Example: |
Updated 8 months ago